
off-site | pleins feux
Around fifteen artists are gathered for the Pleins Feux exhibition, creating a route invented by curator Léa Hodencq. Following Emma Carenini's leitmotiv "Soleil sain, soleil assassin" [Healthy sun, killing sun], the artworks inspect the ambiguity of our sun. A double-edgde journey questionning our relation to the world and creating an ethical dialogue on how we live.
Works of Vladimir Skoda, Karen Farkas and Melissa Coote will be exhibited.
Raphaëlle Bertran Pinheiro, Lisa Boostani, Emma Bourgin, Melissa Coote, Lélia Demoisy, Frederik Exner, Karen Farkas, Ludovic Sauvage, Vladimir Skoda, Claude de Soria, Maxime Verdier, Charlotte Vitaioli
With popular science videocreator Théo Drieu aka "Balade Mentale" and Low-tech Lab Boulogne-Billancourt Grand Paris
©Ludovic Sauvage. "Plein Soleil", 2014, courtesy galerie Valeria Cetraro.